About Annie
" Nerone (Annie Fredriksson) a suave Swedish mezzo set to become, with a bit of luck, the next Anne Sofie von Otter"
The Times - Hilary Finch
"Another standout performance came from the flamboyant Cherubino (mezzo-soprano Annie Fredriksson), whose voice had a fantastic ping and captivated from the first entrance. Both of Cherubino's set-piece arias 'Non so più cosa son' and 'Voi che sapete' were terrific, communicating his emotions with warmth. Ms. Fredriksson also acted with great conviction; in a word, she was a perfect Cherubino"
"Notable standouts were a hugely interesting young Swedish mezzo soprano Annie Fredriksson as Nero"
- Brian Dickie - L´incoronazione di Poppea - London
"Vocal standards are creditable, with Filipa van Eck demonstrating flair as Rosmene, Annie Fredriksson determination as Tirinto and Louise Alder delicacy as Clomiri"
- The Guardian By George Hall
"Katherine Crompton sang with great expressivity as Poppea, while mezzo-soprano Annie Fredriksson's powerful Nerone was extremely impressive, with a strong tone throughout the register"
- Bachtrack by Dorthy Wilson
"Mezzosopranen Annie Fredriksson spelar byxrollen Cherubin. Och som hon gör det! Roligt och rörligt. Hennes sång var laddad av den sprittande ungdomlighet och godtrogna tillförsikt som gör hennes rolltolkning kongenial."
- NTL´s recension