Upcoming events

Boris Christ at Gothenburg Concert Hall 12th of November 2022
An audiovisual opera in concert version by Marcus Fjellström and Daniel Pedersen, where the singers interact with silhouettes on a black-and-white animated film. The people have lost faith in everything except their machines, and the government therefore decides to make a mechanical Messiah: Boris Christ. Meet Norrbotten NEO and 5 vocal soloists under the leadership of Jonas Dominique. In collaboration with Norrbottensmusiken, Geiger, Levande Musik and the Gothenburg Museum of Art.

LÖRDAG 14 JANUARI KL. 15.30 & 18.30
Entré: 300:-, studerande 150:-
Biljettsläpp lör 10 dec 12.00 på webben. För abonnemang och rullstolsplatser kontakta oss på tfn. 076-161 41 56.